The Outsiders

  1. 3. Where Johnny died.
  2. 6. A place where Christians go to worship.
  3. 10. A poem that Pony Boy says to Johnny.
  4. 12. Pony Boy's best friend.
  5. 13. Another word for rumble.
  6. 16. Opposite of socs.
  7. 19. She became a greaser spy.
  8. 20. Another word for friendship
  1. 1. Sodapop's girlfriend.
  2. 2. The book that Pony reads to Johnny.
  3. 4. Pony Boy's last name.
  4. 5. Boy, The main character.
  5. 7. Where Johnny and Pony Boy was hiding.
  6. 8. The middle brother.
  7. 9. Pony Boy's age.
  8. 11. Johnny killed him.
  9. 14. Cherry's best friend.
  10. 15. The cops shot him.
  11. 17. Pony's oldest brother.
  12. 18. Another word for rich.