The Oziers

  1. 1. Where the bride and groom got engaged
  2. 6. A new state the bride and groom will visit on their honeymoon
  3. 8. The month the bride and groom got engaged
  4. 9. This is the person who said “I love you first”
  5. 10. The name of the street they live on
  6. 12. We do this on top of our car
  1. 2. We love to go to these types of parks
  2. 3. What town are the bride and groom from?
  3. 4. How old is Rudy?
  4. 5. A place the bride and groom love to go on trips
  5. 7. The name of their dog
  6. 11. An activity the bride and groom love to do on trips