The Pearl

  1. 1. a short, light rifle
  2. 3. a liquid product condensed from vapor during distillation
  3. 4. someone or something that has the same name as another person or thing
  4. 5. to describe (someone or something) as unimportant, weak, bad, etc.
  5. 8. the line where the earth or sea seems to meet the sky
  6. 9. glowing with light, luminous
  7. 10. ideas or guesses about something that is not known
  8. 13. having or showing good judgment
  9. 14. to see or form a mental image of
  10. 15. fear or nervousness about what might happen
  11. 16. to change the appearance of something or someone
  12. 17. help or advice that tells you what to do
  13. 18. to relate in detail, narrate
  14. 19. the state of being somewhat like something but not truly or fully the same thing
  1. 1. proof which shows that something is true or correct
  2. 2. a strong feeling (such as love, anger, joy, hate, or fear)
  3. 6. the power or ability to know what will happen in the future
  4. 7. the system of nerves in your body that sends messages for controlling movement and feeling between the brain and the other parts of the body
  5. 11. very comfortable and expensive : richly appealing
  6. 12. to cause (something) to happen quickly or suddenly