Developing an Effective Performance Management System

  1. 4. A performance evaluation that includes evaluations from a firm's external and internal customers.
  2. 6. Factor's outside of employees' control may often influence their________
  3. 7. Strategic objectives include cost, quality, and__
  4. 8. The performance management system is said to Criterion suffer from____
  5. 10. A performance evaluation done by an employee's manager and often reviewed by a manager one level higher.
  1. 1. A behavioral approach to performance rating that measures the frequency of overserved behavior.
  2. 2. A performance evaluation done by one's fellow employees, generally on forms complied into a single profile for use in the meeting conducted by the employees manager.
  3. 3. Reliability can be measured by correlating two sets of ratings made by a single rater or by two____
  4. 5. A Firm's HR department ordinarily has the primary responsibility for overseeing and coordinating the performance management____
  5. 9. An appeals procedure should be established to enable employees to express their disagreement with the evaluations.(pg 301)