The Periodic Table

  1. 3. alkali metals are very reactive with this substance
  2. 4. the whole number in the element box
  3. 6. the only nonmetal to the left of the staircase
  4. 7. group 1 & 2 elements are more reactive as you go __
  5. 10. metals are found to the _____ of the zigzag
  6. 11. columns are called this
  7. 13. elements directly around the staircase
  8. 18. elements that form groups 3-12
  9. 19. elements found to the left of the zigzag line
  10. 20. nonmetals are found to the ______ of the zigzag
  11. 22. the family with the most reactive nonmetals
  12. 23. the short form to represent each element
  13. 25. rows on the periodic table are also called this
  14. 29. this group contains fluorine, bromine,&chlorine
  15. 30. first name of the inventor of the periodic table
  16. 31. most reactive nonmetal
  1. 1. the name of group 2 elements
  2. 2. periodic table was invented in 18__
  3. 4. group with the most reactive metals
  4. 5. a chart organizing elements by atomic #
  5. 8. most reactive alkali metal
  6. 9. elements in group 17 are more reactive as it moves ___
  7. 12. number in the element box WITH a decimal
  8. 14. zigzag line separating elements
  9. 15. an older name for lanthanides
  10. 16. elements 89-103 on the periodic table
  11. 17. group of elements that don't react with others
  12. 21. group that contains sodium, rubidium, lithium, etc.
  13. 24. the group that contains noble gases
  14. 26. elements found to the right of the zigzag line
  15. 27. the number of periods on the periodic table
  16. 28. last name of the inventor of the periodic table