The Periodic Table Crossword Puzzle!

  1. 3. An element that smells like garlic when it is heated.
  2. 4. The number of years it took for the Periodic Table to have a regular pattern.
  3. 6. The basic building blocks of neutrons and electrons.
  4. 7. The rarest element.
  5. 8. The first element on the Periodic Table.
  6. 11. The inventor of the Periodic Table.
  7. 13. The majority of the elements on the Periodic Table are _______.
  8. 15. The most abundance element on Earth.
  9. 16. The first artificial element ever made.
  10. 17. An element found in diamonds.
  11. 19. The right side of the Periodic Table has _______.
  12. 21. Vertical columns on the Periodic Table.
  13. 22. The most reactive element on the Periodic Table.
  1. 1. Birthplace of Mendeleev.
  2. 2. A series of transition metals towards the bottom of the Periodic Table.
  3. 5. The number of elements on the Periodic Table.
  4. 9. Horizontal rows on the Periodic Table.
  5. 10. The number of periods on the Periodic Table.
  6. 12. The smallest group of elements on the Periodic Table are _______.
  7. 14. Number shown in upper right corner for each element on the Periodic Table.
  8. 18. An element group that contains one metalloid and four metals; very reactive.
  9. 20. Element known as "salt farmers."