The Phoenix Rising

  1. 2. Gran,Nyle,and the Trents all went to a ____ concert.
  2. 3. Nyle gave Mrs. Trent _______.
  3. 6. the sheep ate ___.
  4. 8. Nyle and Muncie's connection _____.
  5. 9. Ezra named his dog ____.
  6. 11. Nyle couldn't ____ if anyhting happened to Ezra now.
  7. 12. When Gran told Ezra to pull his hat down he ______.
  1. 1. Nyle really loves Ezra's black curly ____.
  2. 4. Ezra went back to ______.
  3. 5. Ezra helped tend to the _____.
  4. 7. ezra called the ewes ____.
  5. 8. there were two ____ letters.
  6. 9. Nyle was ______ that Ezra wouldn't come back.
  7. 10. Ezra's scar was the shap of a _______.