THE PLAGUES Exodus 7:14‐25; 8; 9; 10

  1. 2. 4 Moses then asked the Lord why the Lord had sent him to Pharaoh. Since he had come, the Lord had not __________ His people. (Ex.5:22‐23)
  2. 7. 14 To show Pharaoh that God had sent them to Egypt, Aaron cast down his rod and it became a __________. (Ex. 7:10)
  3. 9. 1 After Moses complained to the Lord about the mistreatment of the Israelites, the Lord made Aaron a __________. (Ex. 7:1)
  4. 10. 6 How old was Aaron when he spoke to Pharaoh to let the Israelites leave Egypt? (Ex. 7:7) two words
  5. 11. 5 What happened to the officers of the children of Israel when they could not meet the quota of new bricks? (Ex. 5:14)
  6. 12. 17 After Pharaoh met with Moses and Aaron, he told the taskmasters not to give what to the people to make bricks? (Ex. 5:6‐7)
  7. 14. 10 How many days’ journey into the desert did Moses and Aaron want to go? (Ex. 5:3)
  8. 15. 19 After Moses and Aaron confronted Pharaoh, God __________ his heart. (Ex. 7:3)
  9. 17. 13 Did God actually touch Pharaoh's heart to harden it? (Ex. 7:3)
  10. 18. grain or hay remaining on a field after harvesting. (Ex. 5:12)
  11. 19. acts of __________. Ex. 7:4)
  12. 20. My People Go 2 Moses and Aaron told Pharaoh that the God of Israel had said what? (Ex. 5:1) four words
  1. 1. 8 After Moses complained to the Lord about the mistreatment of the Israelites, the Lord made Moses like _________ to Pharaoh. (Ex.7:1)
  2. 3. 16 How old was Moses when he spoke to Pharaoh to let the Israelites leave Egypt? (Ex. 7:7)
  3. 4. 3 God told Moses and Aaron that Pharaoh would not listen to them; therefore, He would bring the children of Israel out of Egypt by
  4. 5. 9 When the officers of the children of Israel cried to Pharaoh, what did he told them, "You are __________." (Ex. 5:15‐17)
  5. 6. and aaron 11 The officers of the children of Israel blamed whom for their troubles? (Ex. 5:19‐21) three words
  6. 7. 14 The people of Israel were not furnished with straw anymore. They had to collect and use __________. This was the short stiff stalks
  7. 8. 18 Who did Moses and Aaron gather together when they went to Egypt to tell the people all the words God had spoken to them? (Ex.
  8. 13. 12 By God hardening Pharaoh heart, Pharaoh __________ the words of God through Moses and Aaron, and he, by his own choice, made
  9. 14. decision. (Ex. 7:3)
  10. 15. 15 On what mountain did God speak to Moses from the burning bush? (Ex. 3:1)
  11. 16. 7 Was Pharaoh convinced as to who the God of Israel was so as let the people go? (Ex. 5:2)