The planets

  1. 3. gas planets tend to have a thick ...
  2. 6. farther away from a new sun the material is likely to be frozen ...
  3. 8. Earth is a solid or ... planet
  4. 10. Jupiter has ... confirmed moons
  5. 11. planets are formed from the material ... from the creation of a sun
  6. 12. One of the elements that it present in the two outer planets, but not Jupiter or Saturn
  1. 1. The ancient Roman name for Jupiter
  2. 2. The two outer planets were not able to collect as much gas from the remains of the new sun due to distance and their big .....
  3. 4. a word that means to build up
  4. 5. Uranus and ... are the two most distant planets
  5. 7. planets that are made out of gas are called ... planets
  6. 9. Gas giants are mostly composed of hydrogen and ...