The planets

  1. 2. George loves word searches
  2. 5. is my name
  3. 8. a guibeapig
  4. 9. is not a planet
  5. 13. is a planet
  6. 14. has slot of volcanoes
  7. 16. is the coldest planet
  8. 17. is a dad
  9. 18. is dumb
  10. 20. the sun is really hot
  11. 21. is pretty cold
  12. 23. has rings
  1. 1. is a dog
  2. 3. people live on earth
  3. 4. close to the earth
  4. 6. is dead
  5. 7. loves me
  6. 10. is nice
  7. 11. is my duck
  8. 12. isn't moms duck
  9. 15. is the biggest planet
  10. 17. people visit mars
  11. 19. is mean
  12. 22. likes me
  13. 24. is mean