The planets

  1. 1. loves tv
  2. 7. is nice
  3. 9. is dumb
  4. 10. is my bed
  5. 11. loves cats
  6. 12. loves me
  7. 14. is the biggest planet
  8. 16. likes pans
  9. 20. George loves word searches
  10. 21. has slot of volcanoes
  11. 24. a guibeapig
  12. 25. has me
  13. 26. is the coldest planet
  14. 27. is zzz
  15. 30. has rings
  16. 31. Ava isn't here
  17. 32. people visit mars
  18. 33. is a dog
  19. 35. Aaliyah is funny
  20. 37. is mean
  21. 38. loves dogs
  22. 39. the sun is really hot
  1. 2. is my name
  2. 3. is a dad
  3. 4. close to the earth
  4. 5. is a planet
  5. 6. loves pandas
  6. 8. is my teacher
  7. 12. loves you
  8. 13. is dead
  9. 14. is on my bus
  10. 15. is not a planet
  11. 17. is mean
  12. 18. is my duck
  13. 19. loves Aaliyah
  14. 22. people live on earth
  15. 23. is pretty cold
  16. 28. loves swings
  17. 29. likes me
  18. 32. is my friend
  19. 34. its my road I live on
  20. 36. isn't moms duck