The planets

  1. 1. has Cheyenne
  2. 2. has providence
  3. 6. is on my bus
  4. 7. George loves word searches
  5. 10. has Pierre
  6. 11. has littlerock
  7. 16. has Sacramento
  8. 18. is a planet
  9. 20. has batonrouge
  10. 22. has Tallahassee
  11. 23. has Boston
  12. 24. has me
  13. 27. is a island
  14. 28. is my friend
  15. 29. has Olympia
  16. 32. has Montgomery
  17. 33. people live on earth
  18. 39. loves dogs
  19. 45. has Helena
  20. 46. has Columbia
  21. 50. has Bismarck ?
  22. 52. has Denver
  23. 54. is zzz
  24. 55. has saltlakecity
  25. 56. likes pans
  26. 57. has concord
  27. 61. loves Aaliyah
  28. 62. is not a planet
  29. 63. is a road
  30. 67. is my place
  31. 68. is my duck
  32. 71. has Lincoln
  33. 72. has Juneau
  34. 73. loves me
  35. 77. loves you
  36. 78. has santafe
  37. 80. is the biggest planet
  38. 82. is my name
  39. 84. has trails
  40. 86. Aaliyah is funny
  41. 91. has Indianapolis
  42. 92. the sun is really hot
  43. 95. has Jeffersoncity
  44. 96. has Raleigh
  45. 97. a guibeapig
  46. 98. has Augusta
  47. 99. has rings
  48. 100. has Nashville
  49. 101. I've visit it
  1. 1. has Madison
  2. 3. has hartford
  3. 4. has Austin
  4. 5. has Harrisburg
  5. 8. its my road I live on
  6. 9. is the coldest planet
  7. 12. has Trenton
  8. 13. is dead
  9. 14. has Annapolis
  10. 15. is dumb
  11. 17. has Phoenix
  12. 19. is dumb
  13. 21. has Salem
  14. 25. has carsoncity
  15. 26. is a dog
  16. 30. has Oklahomcity
  17. 31. has Albany
  18. 34. is pvt
  19. 35. has Springfield
  20. 36. has desmoines
  21. 37. has Charleston
  22. 38. has Topeka
  23. 40. is a dad
  24. 41. is my teacher
  25. 42. has Lansing
  26. 43. has Dover
  27. 44. is mean
  28. 47. has Columbus
  29. 48. is long
  30. 49. close to the earth
  31. 51. is mean
  32. 53. loves tv
  33. 58. is fun
  34. 59. has Frankfort
  35. 60. Ava isn't here
  36. 61. is small
  37. 62. isn't moms duck
  38. 64. has Jackson
  39. 65. likes me
  40. 66. is a bet
  41. 69. has Richmond
  42. 70. has Montpellier
  43. 74. has Atlanta
  44. 75. is nice
  45. 76. loves cats
  46. 79. is a place you can walk on
  47. 81. is a hammer
  48. 83. has slot of volcanoes
  49. 85. is my bed
  50. 87. loves swings
  51. 88. has Boise
  52. 89. is pretty cold
  53. 90. loves pandas
  54. 93. has Honolulu
  55. 94. people visit mars