The Planets;

  1. 3. The planets ..... around the sun.
  2. 5. Thousands of these can be seen at night
  3. 6. The farthest planet from the sun is?
  4. 8. Our galaxy is the .........
  5. 10. This is something that only comes out during the day.
  6. 12. are small, airless rocky worlds that revolve around the sun and are too small to be called planets.
  7. 13. This only comes out at night.
  8. 14. This planety is closest to the sun.
  9. 17. This planet is the third largest in our solar asytem.
  10. 18. These can be found around 70% of the planets.
  11. 19. Pluto was classsed as a ...... planet.
  1. 1. This is the second smallest planet in our solar system.
  2. 2. The only planet with rings around it.
  3. 4. Is the largest planet in our solar system.
  4. 5. There are 8 planets in our .....-......
  5. 7. The planet we live on is called.....
  6. 9. This planet is the second closest to the sun.
  7. 11. there are 8 of these in our solar system.
  8. 15. is an icy small Solar System body.
  9. 16. The milky way is our........