The Planets

  1. 3. The planet with lowest density
  2. 5. The name of Mars' "largest in the solar system" object
  3. 11. telescopes that use lenses and/or mirrors are of this type
  4. 13. a man-made place in orbit around the Earth
  5. 16. Temperatures at the surface of Venus are hot enough to melt _____
  6. 17. a small probe that moves along the surface on wheels
  7. 18. you could say this planet has East and West poles
  8. 19. the hottest planet
  1. 1. the length of a Jovian day
  2. 2. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
  3. 4. the planet with the red spot
  4. 6. the smallest planet
  5. 7. the red planet
  6. 8. the largest component of the Venetian atmosphere
  7. 9. the coldest surface in the known solar system
  8. 10. this type of telescope uses invisible radiation like x-rays
  9. 12. This planet has the fastest winds
  10. 14. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
  11. 15. Saturn's rings are mostly made of this