The Planets

  1. 2. The milky way is one
  2. 7. What takes 24 hours to orbit earth
  3. 8. The planet that is on its side
  4. 11. This planet is often called the red planet
  5. 12. How many planets are between earth and the sun
  6. 13. This planet takes approximately 365 days to rotate the sun
  7. 14. The planet furthest from the sun
  8. 15. Force that keeps a planet in orbit
  9. 18. Large star that the planets rotate around
  10. 19. How many planets are there in the solar system
  1. 1. The planet that has rings around it
  2. 3. thin layer of gas that surrounds our planet
  3. 4. How many moons does earth have
  4. 5. The planet that is now called a dwarf planet
  5. 6. what is the period of time called that it takes the earth to make one revolution of the sun
  6. 9. what shape is a planet
  7. 10. The largest planet
  8. 11. The planet is closest to the sun
  9. 16. The hottest planet
  10. 17. The number of months it takes earth to orbit the sun