The planets

  1. 2. A red planet
  2. 5. This planet rotates on its side
  3. 6. A planet with rings around it
  4. 8. The galaxy we live in (two words joined together)
  5. 11. The huge space that contains all of the matter and energy in existence
  6. 12. The earth goes around it
  7. 15. This planet is sometimes called the evening or morning star
  8. 16. All the gases that surround a star or a planet
  9. 17. A big ball of dirty ice and snow in outer space
  10. 18. The biggest planet in the solar system
  11. 19. Our planet
  1. 1. Also known as a shooting star
  2. 2. The closet planet to the sun
  3. 3. There are billions of these in the night sky
  4. 4. Astronauts have visited this place
  5. 7. A piece of equipment used to see stars and planets clearly
  6. 9. A person that has visited the moon
  7. 10. A scientist who studies space
  8. 13. Was once a planet but is now a dwarf planet
  9. 14. The eighth planet from the sun