The Planets

  1. 3. A ________ year is the distance that _______ travels in a year
  2. 5. What planet is closest in size to Earth?
  3. 8. The Sun, its planets and all the objects moving around them is called the?
  4. 11. True or false? Uranus is the coldest planet
  5. 12. The moon Titan orbits what planet?
  6. 13. What is the name of the dwarf planet?
  7. 16. What is the smallest planet in the Solar System?
  8. 18. What planet do we live on?
  9. 19. Earth has only one __________
  10. 21. This planet takes 84 Earth years to orbit the sun
  1. 1. What is the name of the force holding us to the Earth?
  2. 2. True or false? Does the sun orbit the Earth?
  3. 4. Neptune has how many moons in total?
  4. 6. Have human beings ever set foot on Mars?
  5. 7. There are 8 of these in our galaxy
  6. 8. What is the name of the first satellite sent into space?
  7. 9. Venus is often called the Earth’s ________ planet
  8. 10. Earth is located in which galaxy?
  9. 11. What is the name of Saturn’s largest moon?
  10. 14. What planet in the solar system is farthest from the Sun?
  11. 15. It takes just under ten hours for the planet to do a full rotation
  12. 17. Mars has how many moons?
  13. 19. What planet is nicknamed the ‘Red Planet’?
  14. 20. is a ball of hot, burning gases