The Planets

  1. 3. Famous for its rings
  2. 6. Airless rocks revolving around the sun that are too small to be called planets.
  3. 7. The largest planet
  4. 10. The name of our solar system
  5. 11. Furthest planet from the Sun
  6. 13. Closest Planet to the Sun
  7. 14. There are 8 of these in our solar system
  8. 17. The Planet that humans live on
  9. 18. A bright object in the night sky
  10. 19. known as the “Red Planet”
  1. 1. Coldest planet in our solar system
  2. 2. We can see these twinkle in the night sky
  3. 4. Is the star at the center of our solar system?
  4. 5. The time it takes for light to travel in a year
  5. 6. These people go to space
  6. 8. No longer considered a planet
  7. 9. ball of hot, burning gas
  8. 12. The force that holds us to planet earth
  9. 15. Closest planet to Earth
  10. 16. Have humans ever set foot on planet mars?