the planets

  1. 3. surface is almost like earth
  2. 6. going around something
  3. 8. spining on its axis
  4. 9. mercury has none
  5. 11. gsses make up earth's ______________.
  6. 13. path of a revolution
  7. 14. called "red" planet
  8. 16. the planets with gaseous surface
  9. 18. form of water found on mars
  10. 20. what caused our solar system.
  1. 1. not considered a planet
  2. 2. only planet suitable for us to live on
  3. 4. largest planet
  4. 5. the gas git wth the longest rotation period
  5. 7. planets with rocky surfaces
  6. 10. famous for its rings
  7. 12. closest planet to the sun
  8. 15. liquid ______ only found on earth
  9. 17. name of roman god of sea
  10. 19. 3 planets have these