The Planets

  1. 2. Which planet do we live on?
  2. 4. What is the name of a large rock in space?
  3. 6. Largest planet
  4. 8. Smallest planet
  5. 9. Biggest Star in our Solar System
  6. 10. What is the name of the first space shuttle to land on the moon?
  7. 13. Which country is NASA located?
  8. 17. The only planet to rotate on its side
  9. 18. What is the second planet away from the sun?
  1. 1. How many moons does Earth have?
  2. 3. What number planet away from the sun is earth?
  3. 4. What do you call someone who travels into space?
  4. 5. Planet Furthest Away from the sun
  5. 7. What is the name of our galaxy?
  6. 11. The first name of the first person to walk on the moon?
  7. 12. Planet with the visible rings around it
  8. 14. How many planets are in the solar system?
  9. 15. What used to be a planet but is now a dwarf planet?
  10. 16. Which planet is known as the "red planet"?