The Planets

  1. 3. Second planet from the sun
  2. 5. The Red Planet
  3. 6. Name of our galaxy
  4. 7. The planet with the rings
  5. 9. Largest planet in our Solar System
  6. 12. A large group of stars, gas and dust
  7. 13. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are ____________ planets
  8. 14. Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune have ____ around them
  9. 17. Made up of water ice, rock, dust and organic compounds
  1. 1. The centre of our Solar System
  2. 2. Our planet
  3. 4. Planet that spins on its side
  4. 5. Planet closest to the sun
  5. 6. A piece of rocky and/or metallic debris that travels in outer space
  6. 8. Pluto is called a ______ planet
  7. 10. Named after a Roman god of the sea
  8. 11. We are held on earth by...
  9. 15. Jupiter and Saturn are ____ giants
  10. 16. Uranus and Neptune are ____ giants
  11. 18. Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the...