The Planets

  1. 3. the name given to the eclipse that occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the Earth
  2. 4. The galaxy our solar system is part of
  3. 7. I am the fastest moving planet
  4. 9. I am considered to be a dwarf planet
  5. 11. The planet furthest from the sun
  6. 14. I am the only planet that has only 1 moon
  7. 15. the category of planets that include the four closest planets to the sun
  8. 16. the name given to the eclipse that occurs when the moon passes into the earth's shadow
  9. 17. I stop people and things on earth from floating away
  10. 19. The planet with the most visible rings
  1. 1. I control the tides on Earth
  2. 2. the curbed path a planet takes around the sun is called its....
  3. 5. I am the gaseous envelope that surrounds the Earth
  4. 6. The largest planet in our solar system
  5. 8. the name given to a group of stars that make patterns in the sky
  6. 10. all of the planets in our solar system orbit me
  7. 12. Sometimes called the 'Red Planet'
  8. 13. a meteoroid enters into the earths atmosphere
  9. 18. the planet that is second from the sun
  10. 20. the Earth has a tilt of approx 23* on its.....