The Planets

  1. 4. The closest planet to the sun
  2. 5. A small, frozen mass of dust and gas revolving around the sun
  3. 8. Famous for its ring system
  4. 10. The system of planets and other objects orbiting the sun
  5. 13. A small object orbiting a larger one. There are many electronic objects that orbit the Earth
  6. 14. The only planet to support life
  7. 15. The distance which a ray of light would travel in one year
  8. 17. The path a planet takes around the sun
  9. 18. 1 year on this planet lasts 165 Earth years
  10. 20. The "red planet"
  1. 1. An object from Outer Space that falls into the Earth and lands on its surface
  2. 2. Has the shortest day out of all the planets
  3. 3. The brightest planet, also known as the sister planet to earth
  4. 6. smallest of the "Four Giants"
  5. 7. A grouping of stars which have been given names by astronomers
  6. 9. The "Dwarf planet"
  7. 11. A rock, or Minor Planet orbiting the Sun
  8. 12. Our Galaxy
  9. 16. A group of stars, gas and dust held together by gravity
  10. 19. A cloud of gas and dust