The Planets

  1. 2. Known as the dwarf planet
  2. 6. There is lots of it floating around in outer space
  3. 8. Made up of water, ice, rock, dust and organic compounds
  4. 9. The second largest planet in the Solar System
  5. 11. Can vary from extremely hot to extremely cold on the planets
  6. 12. Jupiter is commonly known for its _____
  7. 14. The largest planet
  8. 16. the collection of eight planets and their moons
  9. 19. The smallest and fastest moving planet
  10. 20. helps us receive information about the planets and the Solar System
  1. 1. Comes out during the night
  2. 3. The only planet that spins on its side
  3. 4. The hottest planet
  4. 5. The people that fly in outer space
  5. 7. Small, rocky, metallic matter found all over the Solar System
  6. 10. Gives us light during the day
  7. 11. There is a chocolate named after this T__ M____ W__
  8. 13. Referred to as the Red Planet
  9. 15. The planet we live on
  10. 17. The machine that enables astronauts to go into space
  11. 18. Helps keep the moon moving around the sun and helps us in everyday life