The Planets

  1. 2. How many planets are there within the solar system?
  2. 3. Which planet has rings?
  3. 6. What is the term for a person trained to travel in a space craft?
  4. 9. What force keeps us on the ground?
  5. 10. What is the galaxy that contains the solar system?
  6. 11. The sun is a type of _________.
  7. 12. What planet is fourth from the sun?
  8. 14. What is a piece of debris falling from the sky called?
  9. 16. Which planet is the closest to the sun?
  10. 17. What is in the centre of our solar system?
  11. 18. Which planet is red in colour?
  1. 1. Which planet is now considered a dwarf planet?
  2. 2. Which planet orbits around the sun in 365 days?
  3. 3. The planets are located in the __________ __________.
  4. 4. A system of millions of stars is called the __________.
  5. 5. Which is the largest planet in the solar system?
  6. 7. What orbits around the earth?
  7. 8. How many times has a human stepped foot on the moon?
  8. 13. The second planet from the sun is?
  9. 15. What is the only planet starting with U?