The Planets

  1. 3. Every planet rotates around the _____
  2. 7. Has rings around it
  3. 9. Humans have sent robots to walk on this planet
  4. 10. The only planet with human life on it
  5. 11. You may see this flying through the night sky, if you are looking hard enough
  6. 12. Without ____ we would float away up in the sky
  7. 14. The closest planet to the sun is ____
  8. 15. Neil Armstrong was the first human to ever walk on the ___
  9. 16. They twinkle in the night sky
  10. 18. Something made up from millions of stars
  11. 19. ______ no longer counts as a planet anymore
  1. 1. _____ travel to the moon in a spaceship
  2. 2. The 'Ice giant'
  3. 4. This planet is big and blue
  4. 5. They are also known as minor planets
  5. 6. The biggest planet
  6. 8. There are 8 ____ in our solar system
  7. 11. Aliens travel in this
  8. 13. This planet is nearly the same size as Earth
  9. 17. Without this space travel isn't possible