The Planets

  1. 3. Uranus is classified as an ___ giant pplanet.
  2. 5. How many planets are in our solar system?
  3. 6. The sun is mainly made up of______.
  4. 7. Which planet is the coldest?
  5. 10. Jupiter has the ________ day io all the planets.
  6. 14. What planet is the largest of the dwarf planets?
  7. 15. What is the largest planet in our solar system?
  8. 18. What colour is Mars known to be?
  9. 19. A solar eclipseis when the Moon passes in front of the Sun casting a_____ on Earth.
  10. 20. Earth is the _____ planet from the sun.
  1. 1. The rise and fall of the _____ on Earth is caused by the Moon
  2. 2. Which is the furthest planet from the sun?
  3. 4. Terristrial planet, second from the sun.
  4. 8. Mercury is the most _____ planet in the Solar System
  5. 9. Which planet is closest to the sun?
  6. 11. Neptune is the ______ of the ice giants.
  7. 12. Apollo 11 landed on what planet?
  8. 13. Which planet is known for its rings?
  9. 16. What is the only planet that inhabits humans?
  10. 17. Pluto is now considered a ______ planet.