The Plantes

  1. 2. - What our galaxy is called.
  2. 4. - What dwarf planet was in our solar system?
  3. 6. - U. S. Space Flight Agency
  4. 9. - The last planet is.
  5. 13. - The brightest planet is.
  6. 15. - Natural ground satellite
  7. 16. - How many ice-gas planets.
  8. 17. - Third planet from the sun.
  9. 18. - A blue body circulating a central star.
  10. 19. - What is the mass of the earth.
  1. 1. - Which planet has the ring?
  2. 2. - Known as the RED Planet
  3. 3. - Orbits the sun.
  4. 5. - Which planet is the coldest.
  5. 7. - The biggest star in the solar system is?
  6. 8. - How many rocky planets.
  7. 10. - Takes approximately 365 days to rotate around the sun.
  8. 11. - How many planets there are in our solar system.
  9. 12. - How many categories do we divide the planets into?
  10. 14. thousand seven hundred twenty seven - How many extra-solar planetary systems are there
  11. 15. - Smallest plnanet.