The Pre-War Times: Crossword Edition

  1. 1. 'The ______ War' was the initial name for World War I.
  2. 3. This was used (via posters, slogans and rally speeches) to make the Jewish people look bad.
  3. 4. Hitler signed a pact with Italy and Japan to form this group. These ________ powers would serve as the bad guys of World War II.
  4. 7. The French palace where the Treaty that ended World War I was signed.
  5. 9. In 1935 the _____________ Laws were declared that prevented Jews from marrying or having 'touchie time' with Germans.
  6. 10. The name of the German leader who took power in 1933.
  1. 2. The other name for the fees Germany had to pay to repair the damage to the land of his enemies after World War I. Hitler stopped paying these in 1933
  2. 5. This country was blamed for all of World War I through the Treaty of Versailles.
  3. 6. American president Woodrow Wilson hoped to end World War I with his __________ point plan.
  4. 8. The __________ Civil War was where Hitler first tested his armies. This first time involved backing a general in Spain.