First One

  1. 6. quick to recognize Soviet sovereignty
  2. 7. enforces federal election laws
  3. 11. people who you actually vote for in a presidential election
  4. 12. type of candidate not a Democrat or Republican
  5. 13. lingered between life and death for 80 days
  6. 16. where delegates vote to nominate their candidate
  7. 17. the kind of power that persuades
  8. 21. what it takes to make unpopular decisions
  9. 22. new president is called president-elect until this
  10. 23. assigned by Pres. Obama to develop gun control
  11. 24. gave "fire-side" chats
  12. 26. the number of duties the constitution gives the VP
  13. 27. what kind of adviser studies electoral maps
  14. 28. eligible for $20,000 pension when a president dies
  1. 1. described by the 25th amendment shall a Pres. become this
  2. 2. played a key role in Bush admin on terror policy
  3. 3. number of VP's elected to be President after being VP
  4. 4. League of Nations advocate
  5. 5. Article II, Section 8 is where this is located
  6. 8. number of Presidents who have died in office
  7. 9. out of touch during the Great Depression
  8. 10. type of succession est. by the Succession Act of 1947
  9. 14. known as the great communicator
  10. 15. events held to nominate a party's presidential candidate
  11. 18. determines the compensation for a President
  12. 19. another name for a political action committee
  13. 20. first president to visit china
  14. 25. a large majority of votes