The Princess Bride

  1. 2. The rank beyond master in swordsmanship
  2. 3. Both fencers used this hand at the beginning of their duel
  3. 5. The number of fingers Inigo's sword was made for
  4. 8. Vizzini wanted to form this kind of organization with Inigo and Fezzik
  5. 9. Inigo swears on him to not kill the Man in Black while helping him climb the cliff
  6. 11. Inigo's specialty in the criminal organization
  7. 12. Inigo was the only person that wouldn't laugh at Fezzik for his _____
  8. 15. Fezzik planned to kill the Man in Black by throwing this at him
  1. 1. Inigo turned to this after his failure to find the six-fingered man
  2. 4. These women are famous for the size of their babies
  3. 6. First man to strike the other in the great duel
  4. 7. The man who found Inigo in a bad state and convinced him to join a criminal group
  5. 9. Agrippa is a _____ method used in fencing
  6. 10. This man weighed 15 pounds at birth
  7. 13. Skilled sword maker who looked after Inigo after his father's death
  8. 14. Inigo's ritual before every duel is to touch his blade to each ____ on his face