The Promised Land

  1. 1. The riverbed __________ up when the priests entered the river.
  2. 3. The Lord instructed Joshua on how to capture the walled city of __________.
  3. 8. Some believed the promised land symbolized the place of true __________.
  4. 9. The promised land represents a place of spiritual __________.
  5. 12. Land and the promised land are major themes in the __________ Scriptures.
  6. 15. The body of water the Israelites crossed
  7. 17. Joshua reminded the people to love the Lord and __________ God's laws.
  8. 22. The successor of Moses (person chosen to lead after Moses)
  9. 24. Joshua set up twelve large stones as a __________ of God's deeds.
  10. 25. The group of people led by Moses and Joshua
  1. 2. The epic journey of God’s people
  2. 4. Joshua urged the people to take great __________ in loving the Lord.
  3. 5. The priests stood with the ark in the __________ of the river.
  4. 6. The New Testament extends the promised land idea to include __________ life.
  5. 7. The people were given a land they had not __________ and cities they had not built.
  6. 10. The concept of the promised land evolves to symbolize __________ with God.
  7. 11. Moses climbed Mount __________ and looked out over the land of Canaan.
  8. 13. The Lord promised the land to __________, Isaac, and Jacob.
  9. 14. The Lord had given the Israelites cities to __________ in.
  10. 16. The priests carried the __________ of the covenant across the river.
  11. 18. In the New Testament, the promised land concept is often tied to __________ happiness.
  12. 19. The land promised by the Lord
  13. 20. The desert where Moses and the Israelites traveled
  14. 21. Joshua was filled with the spirit of __________.
  15. 23. Joshua called the people together at __________ before his death.