The Prophets

  1. 3. a priest exiled in Babylon
  2. 4. "do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God"
  3. 7. married to Gomer
  4. 8. shares a name with a member of the Koontz family
  5. 9. shortest book of the Old Testament
  6. 11. the judgment of the whole world and the undoing of creation
  7. 14. swallowed by a BIG FISH
  8. 15. "an oracle concerning Nineveh"
  1. 1. a call to rebuild the house of the Lord
  2. 2. last book of the Old Testament
  3. 5. saw a vision of the LORD seated on his throne
  4. 6. dreams about flying scrolls and four chariots
  5. 10. This prophet is also the longest book in the whole Bible.
  6. 12. a series of the prophet's complaints and the Lord's answers
  7. 13. accuses the nations of Tyre, Moab, and Edom