The Protestant Reformation

  1. 2. Gutenberg produced the 1st printed edition of the _____
  2. 5. Followers of Wycliffe
  3. 6. Translated the entire Bible into English for 1st time
  4. 7. Invented the movable-type printing press in 1440 in Mainz, Germany
  5. 9. John _____ began a revival in Bohemia (modern day Czech Republic)
  6. 10. Means "rebaptizer"/believed only believers should be baptized
  7. 13. Published the 1st printed edition of the New Test. in original Greek
  8. 14. Followers of Peter Bruis
  9. 16. Martin ________ posted the Ninety-five Theses
  1. 1. Followers of Peter Waldo
  2. 3. Martin Luther preached agains _______, certificates shortening purgatory
  3. 4. These group of people trace their lineage back to Menno Simons
  4. 6. The Edict of ______ falsely accused Luther as a heretic
  5. 8. Martin Luther translated the New Test. into German
  6. 11. Followers of John Huss
  7. 12. Martin Luther's most famous hymn written is "A Mighty _____ is our God"
  8. 15. Zwingli and ______ were other men of reformers who studied the Bible