The Punic Wars - Hannah Williams

  1. 4. Who won Punic War #3
  2. 6. Carthage and Rome both wanted ...
  3. 8. An admiral of Carthage who extended their land
  4. 9. How Hannibal defeated the Romans in the Battle of Cannae
  5. 11. General of Carthage in Punic War #3
  6. 12. General of Rome in Punic War #2
  1. 1. Princess of Phoenicia and founder of Carthage
  2. 2. General of Carthage in the #1 Punic War
  3. 3. The son of Hamilcar Barca and the General of Punic War #2
  4. 5. The most powerful ship at it's time
  5. 7. Roman senator that decided to attack Carthage
  6. 10. What happened to the survivors of the attack on Carthage