The Puzzle of the Cardiovascular System and Airflow

  1. 2. short tube comprised of several cartilages connected by ligaments and muscles and contains the vocal folds that are needed for sound production
  2. 6. large muscle that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities
  3. 7. the mammalian nervous system controls the heart rate via these nerves
  4. 9. this type of volume is higher in individuals that are very fit
  5. 11. during exercise, this activity diminishes and sympathetic activity increases
  6. 13. this is located posterior to the nasal and oral cavities
  7. 14. contraction of the muscles raises and rotates the ribs to increase the volume of this cavity
  8. 17. this volume is breathed in each breath
  9. 19. this flow is known as streamlined flow
  10. 20. distribution of blood flow is highest in this organ during exercise (two words, no spaces)
  1. 1. this is the maximal amount of air that can be exhaled from the lungs after a normal expiration (three words, no spaces)
  2. 3. this flow is known as disorganized flow
  3. 4. smallest airways of the respiratory tract
  4. 5. this type of muscle relaxes to permit more blood to enter the particular capillary beds
  5. 8. an increase in heart rate corresponds to a shortening of this (two words, no spaces)
  6. 10. windpipe, links the upper airways to the lungs
  7. 12. these muscles relax during inspiration
  8. 15. this is the volume of gas left in the respiratory system after exhaling maximally
  9. 16. in this breathing, contraction of the diaphragm pushes the abdominal contents downward
  10. 18. when the pressure within the lungs is equal to pressure of the atmosphere, the respiratory is in this state