The Quibbler's Crafts, Brews, and Hobbies Crossword puzzle

  1. 1. Ogden's Old "blank".
  2. 5. Just shove a "blank" down their throat.
  3. 7. What Garrotting Gas causes.
  4. 11. Ball used to score in Quidditch.
  5. 14. A drink from Tudor times, still popular today.
  6. 17. Mr Ollivander's first name.
  7. 18. Arsenic measurement (Name, 2 words).
  8. 19. Most powerful love potion.
  9. 21. The study of wands.
  10. 24. How many fouls are in the game of Quidditch (2 words).
  11. 25. Doxie killer.
  12. 26. Number of players in Quidditch.
  13. 27. Best for colds (3 words).
  14. 30. A fall themed baked good (2 words).
  15. 31. Which Gryffindor drew a banner entitled "Potter for President".
  1. 2. Healed Harry’s bones.
  2. 3. More than one Chaser entering the scoring area.
  3. 4. Inventor of the Golden Snitch (Name, 2 words).
  4. 6. A writing tool crafted from a feather.
  5. 8. Game in which a stone squirts a foul-smelling liquid into the loser's face.
  6. 9. Woodwind instrument Hagrid made for Harry.
  7. 10. The birthplace of Quidditch (location, 2 words)
  8. 12. Potioneer, Vindictus "blank".
  9. 13. Always the colour of Ron's Weasley jumper.
  10. 15. Game in which the cards spontaneously explode 2 words).
  11. 16. Giant boardgame at the end of Philosopher’s Stone (2 words).
  12. 20. Tilden Toots had 3 "blanks" (2 words).
  13. 22. American offshoot of Quidditch.
  14. 23. Quidditch Through the Ages writer, "blank" Whisp.
  15. 28. A liberating pastime of Hermione’s.
  16. 29. Colour Change Charm incantation.