"The REAL Gangs of New York" Quiz

  1. 2. the "boss" of Tammany Hall; took advantage of the poor and immigrants' situation for political gain
  2. 4. many were calling the __________ the "rich man's war, poor man's fight," largely due to the draft and accompanying draft clause
  3. 5. hatred and/or fear towards immigrants
  4. 7. violent rebellions against the Civil War draft in 1863 that targeted draft stations, African Americans and police
  5. 8. Irish Catholic Gang from the 5 Points who got their name from their reputation of putting barrels over fire hydrants to ensure their gang was able to put out the fire
  6. 10. the __________ in Ireland was a huge push factor of Irish Catholic immigrants coming to the U.S. in early and mid 1800s
  7. 12. people (usually journalists) whose works shed light on problems or corruption in society
  8. 15. highly flammable apartments built close together, typically lacking adequate windows, rendering them poorly ventilated and crowded
  9. 16. a group [gang] whose aim is to control local or state government, even if by illegal means
  10. 17. a common trade, especially for women and children, that involved blatantly robbing someone unknowingly from their person; also known as a "bludget"
  1. 1. American born gang who called themselves "Native Americans," who were anti-immigrant; they were also known as the __________.
  2. 3. muckraker whose political cartoons helped lead to the eventual downfall of Boss Tweed
  3. 6. aside from Irish immigrants, there were many others flocking to the United States largely due to the creation and increase of jobs resulting from the __________ that hit the U.S. by the mid to late 19th Century
  4. 9. See Image A.
  5. 11. muckraker whose photographs of tenements, children and the overall terrible living conditions of large cities helped bring about change
  6. 13. the first __________ were volunteer and usually gang-controlled
  7. 14. the first __________ were mostly hired henchmen that kept the rich from bothering the poor