The Reason for Seasons

  1. 1. What shape is the Earth?
  2. 3. In our diagrams, the Earth's axis should always point towards which side of the paper?
  3. 6. Which hemisphere is pointing more directly towards the Sun during Summer in Australia?
  4. 7. The path of the Sun through the sky
  5. 11. the ____________ solstice is the shortest and darkest day of the year.
  6. 14. The winter solstice occurs when the Sun is directly above the tropic of _____________.
  7. 15. The equator divides the globe into two equal _________________
  8. 19. The two days of the year where day and night are the same length
  9. 20. The summer solstice occurs when the Sun is directly above the tropic of ___________.
  10. 22. The tropic of capricorn is the furthest _________ you can go and have the Sun be directly over your head.
  11. 24. Things light can pass through are transparent. Objects light cannot pass through are _____________
  12. 25. The ___________ equinox on March 21 marks the beginning of Spring in the northern hemisphere.
  1. 2. Which hemisphere of the Earth is point more directly towards the Sun during OUR summer?
  2. 4. The _____________ of cancer is the most northern latitude you would see the Sun at an altitude of 90 degrees.
  3. 5. These day mark the beginning of Summer or Winter
  4. 8. During the winter months, the altitude of the Sun is very __________ which means the energy will be more spread out over a larger area, making it colder
  5. 9. Sunlight hits Earth in straight and ____________ lines.
  6. 10. Local __________ is the point where the sun is at its highest point in the sky. Also marks the line of symmetry on a shadow plot.
  7. 12. The invisible line that the Earth rotates around
  8. 13. As altitude decreases, the energy from the Sun becomes more __________ out causing it to be darker and colder.
  9. 16. The equinoxes occur when the Sun is directly above the ____________
  10. 17. During summer, the energy of the Sun is very _____________, which will make it very hot!
  11. 18. Which hemisphere is pointing more directly towards the Sun during Spring and Fall?
  12. 21. You would use a _____________ plot to find the altitude of the sun (NEVER look directly into the Sun!)
  13. 23. Earth's axis is always pointed towards the _________ direction in space.