The Reconstruction Era

  1. 3. after the Civil War
  2. 5. the rights guaranteed by the Constitution to all people as
  3. 7. all citizens equal protection of the law
  4. 8. to limit the rights and freedoms of African Americans
  5. 9. a change to the Constitution, ratified in 1868,
  6. 13. to find a solution for
  7. 15. a change to the Constitution, ratified in 1870,
  8. 18. War to help and protect newly freed black Americans
  9. 19. slavery in the United States
  10. 21. laws passed in 1865 and 1866 in the former Confederate
  1. 1. states were rebuilt and brought back into the Union
  2. 2. a change to the Constitution, ratified in 1865,
  3. 4. citizenship to anyone born in the United States and
  4. 6. or color, or because the person was once a slave
  5. 10. the period of time after the Civil War in which
  6. 11. especially equal treatment under the law
  7. 12. an agency established by Congress at the end of the
  8. 14. laws enforcing segregation of blacks and whites in the
  9. 16. of less importance, value, or quality
  10. 17. to put up with
  11. 20. that states cannot deny anyone the right to vote because of