The Red Cross

  1. 2. Disaster A disaster that is caused by the Earth. (Earthquakes, hurricanes, etc.)
  2. 3. Something that covers your wounds
  3. 6. A big earthquake in California in 1906.
  4. 8. Something that lessons pain or makes you healthy
  5. 9. This disaster was caused by a break down of a neglected dam. It is also known as The Great Flood of 1889.
  6. 10. An organization that nurses in wars and other disasters.
  7. 13. Something that was very popular at one time.
  8. 14. Somebody who starts a business or organization.
  1. 1. The founder of Red Cross In America
  2. 4. A President who supported The Red Cross and Clara Barton.
  3. 5. One of Clara Barton's friends who strongly believed in woman's rights.
  4. 7. A nickname Clara Barton was called.
  5. 11. A war between the same country
  6. 12. skirts They were a fad in the early nineteen hundreds. They are like a dress only the bottom is very big.