The Redeemer in Promise and Sign

  1. 3. Our Lord's cousin who proclaimed His coming.
  2. 6. Predicted that the Saviour would come out of ______.
  3. 11. He would be given this to drink. Psalms 21 and 68.
  4. 12. His hands and feet will be (Daniel)__________________.
  5. 13. Was a type of Christ.
  6. 14. Week of years after the prophecy of Daniel the Saviour would be born.
  7. 16. Predicted that the Saviour would be born of a virgin.
  8. 17. The just one killed by his brother, a type of Christ..
  9. 21. The place where the Messiah would be born according to Micheas.
  1. 1. Our Lord was to be from this tribe.
  2. 2. The Saviour would come from this man's family.
  3. 4. It wa necessary for the redeemer to have ____ ____ as well as a Divine Nature.
  4. 5. The Saviour would be known as the Son of _____.
  5. 7. The Redeemer had to have this to repair the offence against an infinite God.
  6. 8. The angel who announced the birth of Jesus.
  7. 9. was promised the Messiah would come from his family.
  8. 10. His garments would be divided.
  9. 15. was the prophet who told David about the future.
  10. 18. Shall be cast for His clothes, Daniel.
  11. 19. Committed Original Sin.
  12. 20. was promised that a Redeemer would come from his race.