- 3. Our Lord's cousin who proclaimed His coming.
- 6. Predicted that the Saviour would come out of ______.
- 11. He would be given this to drink. Psalms 21 and 68.
- 12. His hands and feet will be (Daniel)__________________.
- 13. Was a type of Christ.
- 14. Week of years after the prophecy of Daniel the Saviour would be born.
- 16. Predicted that the Saviour would be born of a virgin.
- 17. The just one killed by his brother, a type of Christ..
- 21. The place where the Messiah would be born according to Micheas.
- 1. Our Lord was to be from this tribe.
- 2. The Saviour would come from this man's family.
- 4. It wa necessary for the redeemer to have ____ ____ as well as a Divine Nature.
- 5. The Saviour would be known as the Son of _____.
- 7. The Redeemer had to have this to repair the offence against an infinite God.
- 8. The angel who announced the birth of Jesus.
- 9. was promised the Messiah would come from his family.
- 10. His garments would be divided.
- 15. was the prophet who told David about the future.
- 18. Shall be cast for His clothes, Daniel.
- 19. Committed Original Sin.
- 20. was promised that a Redeemer would come from his race.