The Respiratory System

  1. 1. the upper part of the windpipe or trachea; it modulates the voice in speaking and singing
  2. 4. one of the cartilages of the larynx that covers the glottis when food or drink is passing into the stomach to prevent it from entering the larynx
  3. 5. small extending branches of the bronchus through which air reaches the alveoli
  4. 6. the aperture in the head of a human by which he receives food
  5. 8. the midriff; a muscle separating the thorax from the abdomen
  6. 10. the windpipe; joins the pharynx and the bronchi
  7. 11. a thin membrane, affixed to the lungs and covering the interior of the thoracic cavity
  1. 1. the organ of respiration; humans have two
  2. 2. the passages of the nose through which air is inhaled and exhaled
  3. 3. the cavity of the nose, lined with cilia
  4. 5. one of the two branches of the trachea through which air flows
  5. 7. the passage joining the nasal cavity and the esophagus through which food and air flow
  6. 9. microscopic sacs in which oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged