The Respiratory System

  1. 5. amount of air that enters the lung during one normal cycle
  2. 8. collapsed lung
  3. 10. air sacs
  4. 12. spaces within the skull bones
  5. 14. prevents food entering airway
  6. 16. windpipe
  7. 18. illness caused by smoking
  8. 19. part of the larynx containing vocal cords
  1. 1. lack of oxygen in tissues
  2. 2. space at the back of the oral cavity
  3. 3. cavity where lungs sit
  4. 4. how oxygen enters blood stream in alveoli
  5. 6. this lung is slightly smaller
  6. 7. tubes from trachea to lungs
  7. 9. inflammation of air passages
  8. 10. pause in breathing during sleep
  9. 11. bones that divide the nasal cavity
  10. 12. divides left and right nostrils
  11. 13. main muscle used for breathing
  12. 15. voice box
  13. 17. spasm of the diaphragm