The respiratory system

  1. 6. the name of the system related to breathing
  2. 8. an illness related to the respiratory system
  3. 9. the tubes that pass through your lungs
  4. 11. tiny hairs that filter dust out of your airways
  5. 14. we breathe it in
  6. 15. they help us breathe
  7. 17. when someone can't breath
  8. 18. the most efficient muscle of breathing
  9. 19. a word which means breathing out
  1. 1. something which can affect your breathing
  2. 2. a disease of the lungs
  3. 3. the organ which you breath air and eat with
  4. 4. another word for windpipe
  5. 5. another word for airways
  6. 7. we do this when we take in air through our mouth
  7. 10. another word for voice box
  8. 11. a symptom that we have an illness
  9. 12. - it has two nostrils
  10. 13. how your body brings in oxygen
  11. 16. another word for throat