The Respiratory System

  1. 3. prevents foods and liquids from going up your nose
  2. 6. where oxygen/carbon dioxide exchange takes place
  3. 8. tube from back of mouth or nasal cavity to esophagus
  4. 9. part of body containing nostrils
  5. 11. only organ that floats
  6. 13. separates left and right airways
  7. 14. moist tissue lining respiratory system
  8. 15. holds vocal cords
  1. 1. branches off the trachea
  2. 2. windpipe
  3. 4. average person grows six and a half feet of these
  4. 5. roof of mouth
  5. 7. cartilage flap at back of tounge
  6. 10. tiny air sacs of the lungs
  7. 12. cavity (2 words) space inside the nose