The respiratory system

  1. 1. give strength to the trachea, keeping it open
  2. 4. What gas diffuses into the alveoli from the bloodstream?
  3. 7. Air sacs at the end of the bronchioli
  4. 8. The voice box
  5. 10. Hair like structures in the trachea to help trap dust
  6. 13. The process of breathing out
  7. 15. What gas diffuses into the bloodstream from the alveoli?
  8. 17. Move up and out during inhalation
  9. 19. Also known as the windpipe
  10. 20. Air enter the body via the ______.
  11. 21. During exhalation, the diaphragm and intercostal muscles _____.
  1. 2. Muscles between the ribs
  2. 3. During inhalation, the diaphragm and intercostal muscles ________.
  3. 5. The process of breathing in
  4. 6. The process that occurs in the alveoli
  5. 9. We exhale carbon dioxide and _______ vapour.
  6. 11. Ribs _________ our lungs and heart
  7. 12. One bronchus, two __________
  8. 14. Present in the nose to help trap dust and bacteria
  9. 16. Sheet of muscle under the lungs
  10. 18. Vocal chords vibrate to generate _______.