The Respiratory System

  1. 2. breathing in
  2. 7. tube leading to stomach
  3. 9. Normal breath
  4. 11. stopped breathing
  5. 13. produces vocal sounds
  6. 14. muscle that creates positive and negative pressure allowing for lungs to inflate/deflate
  7. 15. smallest breathing tube inside the lungs
  8. 16. dissolved CO2 gas in the blood takes this form
  9. 17. Three folds of the nasal cavity
  1. 1. largest airway tube splitting into each lung
  2. 3. Controls whether air/food goes to the lungs or stomach
  3. 4. non-bone part of the oral cavity
  4. 5. Nostrils
  5. 6. the air that remains in your longs at all times
  6. 7. breathing out
  7. 8. location of gas exchange between blood and lungs
  8. 9. windpipe
  9. 10. bone layer of the oral cavity
  10. 12. muscular passageway, throat