The Respiratory System

  1. 4. a gas needed for our cells and to keep us alive
  2. 5. a small flap of skin that covers the trachea to keep food and drinks from traveling into the lungs
  3. 7. the tubes that extend out of the trachea and separating into the left and right lung
  4. 9. the respiratory system works along with this system when we perform life functions that allow us to gain more oxygen as needed
  5. 10. small sacs in the lungs that fill with air when we breathe in
  6. 11. a waste gas that gets removed out of our systems
  7. 13. a large muscle just below the lungs that helps with breathing
  1. 1. a rescue performance done one people to produce a fake cough that potentially saves them from choking to death
  2. 2. we breathe oxygen into our lungs and then it travels from our lungs into our _____________
  3. 3. to breath out
  4. 6. a tube made of strong cartilage also known as the windpipe
  5. 8. dirt, dust, and germs are trapped by small hairs and mucus in the _____________
  6. 12. to breathe in