The Respiratory System

  1. 4. / It is an emergency resuscitation used to assist ventilation
  2. 5. / An abnormal slow rate of respiration.
  3. 7. / A recording device that measures the amount of air inhaled or exhaled and the required length of time required for each breath
  4. 9. / Breathing
  5. 12. / a physcian who specializes in diagnosis and treating abnormalities, disease and disorders of the respiratory system
  1. 1. / A breathing sound caused by a partially obstructed airway
  2. 2. / Is the act of taking in air as the diaphragm contract and pulls down
  3. 3. / Inflammation of the pharynx
  4. 6. / A chronic inflammatory disease of the bronchial often triggered by an allergic reaction
  5. 8. / Inflammatory cells and fluid in air sacs
  6. 10. / enlargement of the bronchi
  7. 11. / Chest